Happy New Year my friend!
I hope you had a terrific holiday time filled with joy and happiness. If you’re anything like me, there was probably a sufficient smattering of sugar, carbs and media binging involved as well.
We had a grand ole time. Thanks for asking.
Amidst it all, my wife and I had four relatives test positive for COVID. They are all vaccinated so each of them only had 1 to 2 days of feeling like utter crap before they settled into their daily dose of discomfort. The short number of super sick days are a result of the vaccinations.
That is the good news. It means the vaccinations are working.
It’s also the confusing news, cause isn’t this the same place we were at in 2020? Remind me again what year it is. I keep forgetting.
The last thing I remember was my birthday in mid-March 2020. Right after that the world shut down and, well, it’s all kinda just been a big blur.
I seem to be holding on tightly to the early 2020 definition of a normal existence. I want mask wearing to feel normal, I really do. But it doesn’t.
Resolute for Resolutions
I’m not sure if you’re the type of person that does New Years resolutions. I think you should be that type of person.
Actually, I take that back.
I really don’t give a holler if you do your resolutions on New Years or any other day of the year. Truth be told, I do mine on St Patricks day, which is as good a day as any to write out some resolutions. (It also happens to be my birthday, but that’s beside the point)
Some people mock the idea of resolutions. Well, I officially mock those mockers. They can pooh-pooh resolutions all they want. It’s just another way to showcase their ignorance.
The leader in you knows that setting resolutions are the same as setting life goals. In fact the definition of a resolution says just that:
Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
Anybody who is determined to accomplish their goals has to do two important things:
1. Create the goal
2. Resolve to achieve the goal
That’s what it takes no matter who you are. There are no shortcuts.
Show me a person who says resolutions mean nothing and I will show you a person who will regret they never tried.
It doesn’t make no never mind whether you set your goals in January, February or every second full moon of the month. The point is that you set your important goals and you resolve to achieve them.
What are your plans this year?
What are you going to accomplish this month that gets you closer to achieving those plans?
How will you structure this week to move you on the road to success?
Resolutions 2020, Version 3
As I said, every year I make resolutions. I regularly remind myself of my goals and set a path towards achieving them.
In March of 2020 I set my resolutions. And then, two days later, the world shut down. The clock keeps ticking forward but my 2020 resolutions are still stuck to the 2020 matter in my brain. I haven’t truly left 2020. Year over year, my resolutions seem to be focused on resolving the mess of 2020. So here I am once again, headed down the path of resolutions for 2020, version 3. Maybe, just maybe, this year will be different
But it won’t. My thinking is not healthy. And so here I am, resolving to bring my resolutions up to the current state of the world. That means doing everything I can this year with everything I’ve got.
All the good action happens in the third act anyway. Bring it on.
You and me, we’re gonna take 2022 by storm.
I've got three hopefully reasonable resolutions this year. 2000 pull-ups, 2000 crunches and for all my pants to fit by my July paddle vacation.