I am Jeff, but this newsletter no longer is.
I have changed the name of the I Am Jeff newsletter to:
By Title Only
The same changes were made on social media, so follow us please:
@ByTitleOnly on the Instas
@ByTitleOnly on the Twitter Machine
And when the new newsletter arrives (starting tomorrow), remember it’s still the same content. The only thing changed is the title.
There are a few reasons for this change to By Title Only:
The Name. I don’t like the name I Am Jeff. I mean, I like the name Jeff fine enough (thanks mom and dad!) but as my name, not as a newsletter. It just feels too self-centery for my liking. Truthfully, I was a little embarrassed by it.
The Subject. Sure I tell some stories about myself for illustrative purposes, but the main subject is more you than me. Plus it’s more about trying to giving insights about life and leadership and other random stuff that I learn along the twisted path of my life.
The Title. As you’ve heard me say before, leadership is not a title, it’s about behavior. By Title Only is a statement around the fact that anybody and everybody is a leader.
Puppies and Kittens. It actually has nothing to do with puppies and kittens but they attract attention, so I thought I’d mention them.